Thursday, September 13, 2007

Calm the f*ck down!

I've never been good at relaxing. Case in point, I know that I have two roommates but every time I turn around and one of them happens to be standing behind me within 10 yards I always jump at least two feet in the air. Gives them no end of pleasure, but probably not so great for my heart.

Yes. I'm basically one giant tightly wound nerve 99% of the time, which is why most of the music I write tends toward the more aggressive, in-your-face variety. I like to think of the process of bringing an idea to fruition the same way I would the process of... say, wrestling a bear to the ground. Then beating it into submission. Then calling everyone I know and telling them about it, because hey, I just TKOed a fucking bear!

In order to expand my horizons this time I've decided to write this down-tempo ambient number, "Tens10n", suitable for the 100's of taxi listings for "music needed for TV - down-tempo ambient numbers!". If the idea of this song being written strictly for cash turns you off a little, allow me to enlighten you as to my process for writing this.

I focused on the one romantic moment in my life that is the only time I can actually remember experiencing that "slow motion, time standing still" effect that so overused on television and in the movies... and I mean, REALLY experiencing it... I was 17 and dating this girl I was completely in love with, and hadn't even kissed her although we'd been seeing each other for more than 2 months. Yes, I was incredibly awkward and shy back then (shock! surprise!). Stop laughing and I'll continue... okay, so we're on the way home from a wonderful dinner at the Montage here in Portland and my car breaks down in the middle of the Morrison bridge. I can't get it started again, and, this being like the fifth time this has happened during the trip was too infuriated to do anything but suggest we get out of the freaking car for awhile. We stood there in the middle of the bridge, totally alone in the middle of a perfectly clear spring evening in this new city (you have to realize Portland was still mysterious and exciting to our youthful Salem-bound selves) looking out over the water and the reflected city lights, and when we finally turned toward each other time literally STRETCHED out like a gooey stick of caramel at the fair and we were staring into each other's eyes and then...

Nothing. We got back in the car and went home. I'm a giant douche.

Thinking of that moment I wrote this song... it builds and it builds and I feel like it's on the brink of capturing that perfect moment leading up to... well, nothing. But that's the point this time, it's supposed to be ambient, not bombastic.


1 comment:

Geoff said...

You can pretty much guess - given my music tastes - that this is up there with one of my favorites you've ever done. I can even name several points in time (and their corresponding emotions) that this piece evokes.

Bravo, bra-fuckin'-vo!

There's that "fuckin'" again. Fuck you for bringing that out in me.

You beautiful bastard, you.